Health Healing Martial Arts is a program geared towards Health and Wellness in the community through the benefits of Martial Arts, Tai Chi, and Chi Gung. We aim to improve the mental, emotional and physical health of the community. We utilize breathing and relaxation techniques in order to improve overall wellness. We are a program geared toward the overall well-being of a person's mind, body and soul. We work with all ages; from youth to seniors. Everyone can benefit from what we have to offer and use Health and Wellness exercises to improve their daily lives.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Welcome to Health Healing Martial Arts blog by Energy Master Shifu Morris Burch.

Health and wellness is promoted through health building energy work which is a remarkable way to obtain health building, life-giving energy. The approach to creating and developing energy is based on nature. It is a natural way of breathing and moving. most people do not know that there is a direct connection between oxygen deficiency and disease. Through practicing Tai Chi Kung, one can prevent and even cure disease within the body.

In all serious disease states, we find a low oxygen state. low oxygen in the body is a sure indicator of disease. Lack of oxygen in the cells and tissues is the fundamental cause for all degenerative conditions. Through the arts of taoism, one can achieve in the body, a state of deep relaxation, which allows one to breathe fully. This is necessary for the body to overcome oxygen deficiency. Some symptoms of oxygen deficiencies are:

Stress, body weakness, muscle and body pain, depression, dizziness, irritability, fatigue, memory loss, irrational behavior, circulation problems, poor digestion, acid stomach, lowered immunity to colds, flu and infections, bronchial conditions, tumors, deposit build ups, bacterial, viral and parasitic infections.

The Tai Chi Kung movements allows one to breath so deeply that one is able to prevent and progressively overcome illness by increasing oxygen intake at the cellular level. As a result, energy levels are boosted dramatically and the immune system is strengthened. The intake of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins and other essential nutrients are greatly enhanced from either natural food sources or from dietary supplements. Chi Kung also gives the body the added oxygen it needs to oxidize and eliminate built-up toxins and poisons in the cells, tissues and bloodstream. It also aids tremendously in treatment of respiratory and allergy related conditions such as asthma, sinus and upper respiratory infections.

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